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historischer wandel

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Auf dieser Webseite:
Übersicht zum Bereich: Historischer Wandel. Es geht um gesellschaftlichen Wandel und die weltgeschichtliche Entwicklung. Zugehörige Sachbereiche siehe Navigationsmenü.
Verwandte Sachgebiete:
Entwicklung des kapitalistischen Weltsystems in der eröffneten gesellchaftsgeschichtlichen Übergangsperiode: Weltsystem im Übergang.

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The world-system is self-destructing. The world-system is in what the scientists of complexity call a bifurcation. This means that the present system cannot survive, and that the real question is what will replace it. While we cannot predict what kind of new system will emerge, we can affect the choice between the substantive alternatives available. But we can only hope to do this by a realistic analysis of existing chaotic swings and not hide our political efforts behind delusions about reforming the existing system or by deliberate attempts to obfuscate our understanding.

Immanuel Wallerstein, Commentary No. 393, Jan. 15, 2015: It is Painful to Live Amidst Chaos

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